Training Program

The GIAP training group will provide transdisciplinary research training with special emphasis on using integrative approaches of genetic, genomics, computational biology and bioinformatic methods to improve livestock production. GIAP-trained Fellows will receive doctoral degrees through ABGG or IGG and will earn their degree with any of the animal biology/genetics GIAP faculty as a major professor and any of the computational/bioinformatics as a co-major professor.

Upon completion of their degrees, GIAP Fellows will have comprehensive research skills that can be applied in their future careers. All Fellows must participate in a common set of courses and training activities. These activities will add cohesiveness to the program and expose all participants to the diverse perspectives offered by each discipline. Specific training activities required of all Fellows are described in detail below and include: i) core coursework in quantitative and molecular genetics, bioinformatics, and computational biology, ii) Teaching, iii) bioethics training, and iv) additional innovative features.

  1. Core coursework
    • ABG 200A Integrative Animal Biology
    • ABG 200B Integrative Animal Biology
    • GGG 201A Advanced Genetic Analysis
    • GGG 201B Genomics
    • ABG 401: Ethics and Professionalism in Animal Biology
    • ABG 202: Grant Procurement and Administration
    • ABG 290: Seminar in Animal Biology  
  2. Teaching
    • ABG 300 Methods in Teaching Animal Biology
    • At least 2 quarters working as a teaching assistant for an undergraduate course  
  3. Bioethics training
    • Training in responsible conduct of research is a commitment of UC Davis graduate programs. GIAP Fellows will be required to take ABG 401: Ethics and Professionalism in Animal Biology  
  4. Additional innovative features
    • Preparing Future Faculty Program
    • Regular research work-in-progress and journal article discussions
    •  Funded annual attendance at major national or international scientific meetings
    • Professional Skills Development
    • Grantsmanship Workshops
    • Symposia Organization
    • Additional Mentoring Opportunities
    • Development of Critical Thinking and Communication Skills